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Course Name: Automation With Transformer Based AI API

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Course Duration: 160 Hours/20 Weeks

Starting Date: 25 March 2023

About This Course:








Course Index:

Course Introduction:


Module 1: Language Overview

> Why Python is popular on many areas?

> Big Data and Database Management

> Data Science and Analysis

> Machine Learning (ML:

> Artificial Intelligence (AI:

> Network Programming and System Automation

Module 2: Standard Data Types

> The Python Standard Library

> Built-in Functions and Modules

> Basic Operators and Type Casting

> Numeric Data Types and Functions

> String Data Type and Functions

Module 3: Flow Control,

> if-else

> For loop

> While loop

> break and continue statements

Module 4: Functions

> Function Definition

> Scope Rules

> Recursion

> Random Module Functions

Module 5: Lists and Tuples

> Immutable vs Mutable Types

> List and Tuple Functions

> Comparison

> Conversion

> Multi-dimensional Lists and Tuples

Module 6: Dictionaries

> Key and Value Pairs

> Dictionary Functions

> Sorting and Converting

Module 7: External Libraries

> Important Libraries

> How to Install and Import

> Examples

Module 8:Basic File Operations

> Open a File with r/w/a/b Modes

> File Operations

> File and Directory Methods

Module 9:Exception Handling

> Exception Types

> Multiple Exceptions

> try and except block

> Finally expression

Part 2: REST API With Python

Module 1: List Comprehension Lab

Module 2: What is Model Driven Automation

Module 3: What is HTTP ?

Module 4: How HTTP works ?

Module 5: What is Rest API

Module 6: What are API Data Formats?

Module 7: List Comprehension

Module 8: Parsing Public Colorado Population API With Python Lab

Module 9: Parsing News API With Python Lab

Module 10: Parsing NASA API With Python Lab

Module 11: Parsing Finance APIs With Python Lab

Module 12: Parsing Capital Cities JSON With Python Lab

Module 13: Parsing Star War JSON With Python Lab

Module 14: Parsing Game Of Thrones JSON With Python Lab

Module 15: Creating Custom API: Open Weather

Module 16: Webex API Chat Bot With Web Hook Lab

Module 17: Wolfram Alpha API

Module 18: Webex API Chat Bot With Wolfram Alpha API

Module 19: ChatterBot

Module 20: Webex API With ChatterBot


Module 1: What is Data Science ?

Module 2: What is Artificial Intelligence ?

Module 3: The Relation Between Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learnig

Module 4: What Data Scientist Do ?

Module 5: Creating Data Frame From API and HTML With Pandas Lab

Module 6: Creating Data Frame From Python Data Types With Pandas Lab

Module 7: Creating Data Frames from JSON With Pandas Lab

Module 8: Creating Data Frame From TXT With Pandas Lab

Module 9: Sorting Values At Data Frames With Pandas Lab

Module 10: Create Excel With Openpyxl With Pandas Lab

Module 11: Creating Data Frame From Excel and Clipboard With Pandas Lab

Module 12 Creating Data Frames From CSV With Skip Rows Functions At Pandas Lab

Module 13: Salaries Dataset Part 1 Set Index, Drop, NA Values Functions at Pandas Lab

Module 14: Salaries Dataset Part 2 Making Querries With Pandas Lab

Module 15: Salaries Dataset Part 3 Making Multiple Querries-Locate With Pandas Lab

Bonus Module: Rename & Replace DataFrames

Module 16: Pandas DataFrame Append, Concat, Transpose Lab

Module 17: Pandas Nunique Lab

Module 18: Copy Sheet-Delete Row & Columns at Excel With Openpyxl Lab

Module 19: Seperate & Save Sheets As New WorkBooks at Excel With Xlwing Lab

Module 20: Merge & Seperate Workbooks into New Workbooks at Excel With Openpyxl Lab

Module 21: Heart Attack Analysis Part 1 Intro

Module 22: Heart Attack Analysis Part 2 Value Counts With Pandas Lab

Module 23: Heart Attack Analysis Part 3 Features (Value Count & Nunique: With Pandas Lab

Module 24: Heart Attack Analysis Part 4 Group By With Pandas Lab

Module 25: Heart Attack Analysis Part 5 Cut with Pandas Lab

Module 26: Video IMDB Top 250 HTML Parsing Lab With Pandas and Beautiful Soup Lab

Module 27: Lambda Lab

Module 28: Numpy Intro

Module 29: Mean, Variance, Sigma Lab

Module 30: Median Lab

Module 31: Matplotlib 1 Data Visualization Lab

Module 32: Matplotlib 2 Subplots Lab

Module 33: Matplotlib 3 Subplots Pie Lab

Module 34: Matplotlib 4 Spanish Footbal Federation Lab

Module 35: Matplotlib 5 With Pandas Data Reader Lab

Module 36: Matplotlib 6 Customize Time Series Tata Global Lab

Module 37: Matplotlib 7 Customize Time Series Colorado Lab (rotation, indent, time format)

Module 38: Matplotlib 9 Random Walk Probability Lab

Module 39: Matplotlib 10 Random Multiple Walk Probability Lab

Module 40: Matplotlib 11 Birthday Probability Lab

Module 41: Matplotlib 12 Birthday Probability %50 Annotate Lab

Module 42: Matplotlib Bonus Scatter Lab

Module 43: Matplotlib Annotate & Arrowprops Lab

Bonus Lab 1: Advanced 3D Visualization With Matplotlib

Bonus Lab 2: Data Visualization With PyGoogleChart

Bonus Lab 3: Data Visualization With Plotly

Bonus Lab 4: Data Visualization With Dash

Module 44: Seaborn Lineplot Lab

Module 45: Advertisement Dataset Seaborn Scatterplot, Heatmap, Pairplot Lab

Module 46: Heart Attack Analysis Part 6 Seaborn Barplot Lab

Module 47: Heart Attack Analysis Part 7 Seaborn Catplot Lab

Module 48: Heart Attack Analysis Part 8 Seaborn Boxplot Lab

Module 49: Log File Management With Python Lab

Module 50: Object Oriented Programing Encapsulation

Module 51: Object Oriented Programing Inheritance

Module 52: Parsing Star Wars Episode 3 Scenario Lab

Module 53: Regular Expressions Parsing Words.txt file Lab

Module 54: Regular Expressions Kill Bill Phrase With regex101 Lab

Module 55: Regular Expressions Parsing Emails Lab

Module 56: Regular Expressions Split, Substitude, Findall Lab

Module 57: Socket Programming Part 1 Sending & Receiving Data Lab

Module 59: Socket Programming Part 2 Parsing Binary Data Lab

Bonus Lab: Multi-Threading With Socker Programming

Module 60: SQlite3 Introduction To SQlite3 Database Company Lab

Module 61: SQLite3 Harvard Movies Project Lab

Module 62: Netflix Dataset

Module 63: Spotify Dataset


Module 1: What is Machine Learning

Module 2: Machine Learning Methods

Module 3: Supervised Machine Learning Regression Introduction

Module 4: Advertisement Dataset Multiple Linear Regression

Module 5: Advertisement Dataset Polynomial Regression

Module 6: How to Save Data Model and Load

Module 7: Supervised Machine Learning Classification

Module 8: Using Standard Scaler Method For Scattered Distributed Data: Breast Cancer Dataset

Module 9: Label Encoder: Titanic Dataset

Module 10: Cross Validation

Module 11: Lasso

Module 12: KNN

Module 13: Unsupervised Machine Learning Models


Module 1: Introduction To Deep Learning

Module 2: What is Neural Network ?

Module 3: What is Deep Nerural Network ?

Module 4: How to Design Deep Neural Network ?

Module 5 : Multi Layer Perceptron:

Module 6: Breast Cancer Dataset Prediction With MLP

Module 7: Artificial Neural Networks

Module 8: Desigining Deep Neural Network Tensorflow Play Ground

Module 9: Digit Detection With Artificial Neural Networks: Mnist Dataset

Module 10: Pima Indians Diabetics DataSet Simple Classification with ANN

Module 11: Breast Cancer Dataset Prediction With ANN

Module 12: Boston Houses Dataset Prediction With ANN

Module 13: One Hot Encoder: Iris Flower Dataset Multiple Classification With ANN

Module 14: Early Stop Callback

Module 15: Multiple Early Stop CallBacks

Module 16: Heart Attack Prediction With ANN & Multiple Early Stop CallBacks

Module 17: Convolutional Neural Networks

Module 18: Image Processing With Python

Module 19: Data Preprocessing & Data Modelling For Image Processing

Module 20: Digit Detection With Convolutional Neural Networks: Mnist Dataset

Module 21: Multiple Digit Detection With Convolutional Neural Networks

Module 22: Object Detection With Python

Module 23: Face Recognition With Python

Module 24: Pneumonia Prediction From X-Ray With Convolutional Neural Networks

Module 25: Lung Cancer Prediction From X-Ray With Convolutional Neural Networks

Module 26: Recurrent Neural Networks

Module 27: Stock Prediction With Long Short Term Recurrent Neural Networks

Bonus Lab: Natural Language Processing & Multiple Text Classification With Long Short Term Recurrent Neural Networks

Module 28: Creating Images from Text With Generative Adversarial Networks

Module 29: Generating Python Codes from Text With Transformer Model

Module 30: Generating Texts & Articles from Text With Transformer Model


Module 1: Email With Python Part 1 smtplib & email.message Lab

Module 2: Email With Python Part 2 Yagmail Lab

Module 3: Email With Python Part 3 Attached Email with Email.Message Lab

Module 4: Email With Python Part 4 Time Scheduled Mail Lab

Module 5: Email With Python Part 5 Bitcoin Api Auto Alarm Management With Email Lab

Module 6: Email With Python Part 6 Email With Excel Lab

Module 7: Email With Python Part 7 Sending attached file as html in email Lab

Module 8: Email With Python Part 8 Sending Email within VPN Lab

Module 9: Creating Widget With Tkinter Lab

Module 10: Restaurant Menu With Tkinter Lab

Module 11: Text To Speech With gTTS Lab

Module 12: Text To Speech With Pyttsx Lab

Module 13: Speech to text gTTS Lab

Module 14: Speech To Text Pyttsx3 Lab

Module 15: Making Google Searches With Python

Module 16: Making Wikipedia Searches With Python

Module 17: Making Youtube Searches With Python

Module 18: Pyaztro: Getting Horoscopes Data via Python

Module 19: Pytesseract

Module 20: Weather Forecast Application With Tkinter, SQL, Text To Speech, Speech To Text

Module 21: Weather Forecast Application With Tkinter, JSON, Text To Speech, Speech To Text

Module 22: Making Mp3 Player Application With Tkinter

Module 23: Managing Charts With Tkinter

Module 24: Managing Hyperlinked URLs With Tkinter

Module 25: Making Newspaper Dashboard Application With Tkinter

Module 26: Making Multi Digit Detection Application With CNN and Tkinter.

Module 27: Introduction to Flask: Server Working

Module 28: Flask-RESTX Get/POST/PUT/DELETE Requests With Parameters & Swagger

Module 29: Making Calculator With Flask

Module 30: Making Phone Book With Flask

Module 31: Introduction to Fast API

Module 32: Create Your Own API With FAST API: Get, Post, Put, Delete

Module 33: Making Applications With Fast API

Module 34: Making Weather Forecast Application With Fast API

Module 35: Making Machine Learning Application With Fast API

Module 36: Making Deep Learning Application With Fast API

Module 37: Display Images at Back End Fast API Swagger as Response Body

Module 38: Display Images at Front End Fast API Web Browser

Module 39: Display Hyperlinked URLs at Front End Fast API Web Browser

Module 40: Flask & Fast API: Project Wolfram Alpha API Chatbot Project

Module 41: Creating Cluster Services via Fast API


Module 1: Creating AI Chatbot With NLP and Sentiment Analysis by English

Module 2: Creating AI Chatbot With NLP and Sentiment Analysis by English via Tkinter

Module 3: Creating AI Chatbot With NLP and Sentiment Analysis by English via Tkinter & Text To Speech, Speech to Text

Module 4: Creating Transformer Based AI API in English & Turkish via Fast API

Module 5: Integrating News Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 6: Integrating Weather Forecast Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 7: Integrating Date & Time Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 8: Integrating Financial Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 9: Integrating Stock Market Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 10: Integrating Stock Market Analysis Chart Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 11: Integrating Stock Market Prediction Chart Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 12: Integrating History Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 13: Integrating Geography Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 14: Integrating Mathematics Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 15: Integrating Database Management Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 16: Integrating Text to Image Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 17: Integrating Text Generation Services Into Transformer Based AI API

Module 18: Integrating Code Generation Services Into Transformer Based AI API

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