Python Essentials

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Dev-Ops Gurumuz Tahsin Demiral Hocamızın anlatımıyla Teorik ve Pratik Uygulamalı olarak 15 Saatlik Video Eğitim

Contents: Module by module review
Introduction: History, pioneers, and philosophy
Introduction: Installations, Jupyter Notebook, PEP8 Sytle Convention
Numbers: Basic number types: int, float, bool, functions: type(), id(), print(), round(), Basic
Operators, Type Casting, Precision
Numbers: Bitwise Operators, Logical Operators, Comparisons, Standart Libraries: math, time, random
Numbers: LAB: Fahrenheit to Celcius Solution
Numbers: LAB: Pisagor Triangle Solution
Strings: Immutable Type, Slicing
Strings: Functions: split(), join(), find(), replace(), lower(), upper(), isalpha(), isdigit(), chr(), ord()
Strings: LAB: Generate Login Name Solution
IF: if condition: elif condition: else:, PEP 3103
IF: LAB: Grades Solution
IF: LAB: Division and Exception Solution
IF: LAB: Leap Year Solution
Loops: while, for, range(), break, continue
Loops: LAB: Homogenous String Solution
Loops: LAB: Palindrome Solution
Loops: LAB: Speed Test Solution
Loops: LAB: Password Check Solution
Loops: LAB: Math Problem 3n+1 Solution
Functions: Definition of functions, return statement
Functions: Math functions and Fibonacci Practice
Functions: Recursive functions and random library
Functions: LAB: Number Guessing Game Solution
Functions: LAB: Head/Tail Game Solution
Functions: LAB: Dice Throw Game Solution
Functions: LAB: Prime Number Test Solution
Lists: List slicing, functions: append, insert, pop, remove, index, sort, reverse
Lists: List comprehensions and multi-dimensional lists
Lists: LAB: Lottery Solution
Lists: LAB: Prime Number Generation Solution
Lists: LAB: Card Playing Solution
Dictionaries: String Extra Practice
Dictionaries: Dictionary Definition, keys and values functions
Dictionaries: LAB: Math Exam Solution
Files and Exception: Files operations: open, read, write, close
Files and Exception: Number manipulation and file I/O Solution
Files and Exception: File Differences Lab Solution
Files and Exception: Exception definition and practices
Object Oriented Programming: Definitions and Examples

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