Essentials of Developing Windows® Store Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript – 20481

Course Name : Essentials of Developing Windows® Store Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript – 20481

Duration : 5 Days

Course Index:

Module 1:
Overview of the Windows 8.1 Platform and Windows Store Apps

Module 2:
Single-Page Apps and the MVVM Design Pattern

Module 3: Using

Module 4:
Implementing Layout Using Windows 8.1 Controls

Module 5:
Presenting Data

Module 6:
Implementing Tiles and User Notifications

Module 7:
Handling Files in Windows Store Apps

Module 8: Windows
Store App Process Lifetime Management

Module 9:
Designing and Implementing Navigation in a Windows StoreApp

Module 10:
Implementing Windows 8.1 Contracts

Module 11:
Designing and Implementing a Data Access Strategy

Module 12:
Responding to Mouse and Touch

Module 13:
Planning for Windows Store App Deployment


Giriş Yap

Şifremi Unuttum

Şifremi Unuttum
