Python for Robotic Process Automation
The Course Name: Course Name: Python for Robotic Process Automation
The Duration: 3 Days
Course Index
- Introduction to Model Driven Automation
- -Evolution of IT
- -Industry 4.0
- -IoT
- -Why Python is so important ?
- -What is DevOps
- -Why Model Driven Automation is so importrant ?
- -What is Intent Based Networking ?
- -Dev Ops & Intent Based Networking
- -What is Machine Learning ?
- -The Journey Of Artificial Intelligence
- -The relation Between Data Science and Machine Learning
- -Model Driven Automation : Rest API
- -API Types & API Data Formats
- Parsing API With Postman
- -Colorado API, News API, Open Weather API
- Parsing API With Python Programming with Rest API Requests Library: -Colorado API, News API, Open Weather API
- -Parsing API Data Formats With Python Programming NASA API, Game of Thrones JSON, Star Wars JSON)
- Create Your Own Weather Condition API -Parsing HTML Data For Creating Your Own API
- Create Chat Box With Webex API via WebHook
- -Create Bot Account
- -Add Bot Account to Webex
- -List Room ID & Messages Via Rest API
- -Send Messages to Bot Account Via Rest API
- -Send Messages From Bot Account Via Rest API
- -Web Hook System
- Parameter Management For API Via Automatic Email Through Python
- -How to send email through Python (with and without subject)
- -How to send email as time scheduled
- -How to send attached email to multiple receivers
- -Creating BitCoin API
- -Setting Parameters For BitCoin API With Automatic Email
- Object Oriented Programming
- Create A Python Unit Test
- -Assert Function
- -Unit Test Library
- -Evaluate Tests With UnitTest Library and Assert Function
- Creating Data Frame From CSV, Python Dictionary and JSON
- Parsing HTML Data Via OOP For Creating Custom Data Frame
- Introduction to RPA
- RPA with python
- Rest API: Socket Programming:
- -Sending Data to Web Servers
- -Receiving Data From Web Servers As Binary Data
- -OS and File Management With Python
- -Sensor Management System With Paho Library
- -IVR: Text to Speech With Python
- -TagUI
- -Image Processing With OpenCV, CVlib and Tensor Flow
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3: