Machine Learning With Python Power Bootcamp

Course Name: Machine Learning With Python Power Bootcamp

Course Duration: 5 Days

Prerequisite: Python, Data Science With Python

Course Index

    Day 1:

    Module 1: Introduction to Machine Learning

  • -What is Machine Learning
  • -What is Deep Learning
  • -What is Artificial Intelligence
  • -What is the relation between Data Science and Machine Learning ?
  • -What is the relation between Machine Learning and Deep Learning ?
  • -What is the difference between Teaching Machine and Machine Learning ?
  • -Types Of Machine Learning: Supervised Learning, UnSupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning
  • Module 2: Classification:

  • -Heart Atttack Prediction With Keras and TensorFlow
  • Day 2: Regressions:

    Module 3: Regressions:

  • -What is Intercept ?
  • -What is Slope ?
  • -What is R as Regression Coefficiency ?
  • -What is P Hypothesis ?
  • -What is Standart Error ?
  • -Linear Regression: SciPy Library Exmples of University Graduation Notes
  • -Where and How Can We Use Linear Regression ?
  • -Where and Why We can not use Linear Regression ?
  • -Polnynomial Regression: SciKitLearn Library: Speed in Traffic According to Time of Day
  • -Polnynomial Regression: SciKitLearn Library: IQ and Age Corelation
  • -Multiple Regression: The Effect of Car Model, Engine's Wegiht and Engine's Kg into CO2 production
  • Module 4: Bias-Variance Trade-off

    Day 3:

    Module 5: Dimensionality Reduction

    Module 6: Cross Validation

    Module 7: Training Models

    Day 4:

    Module 8: Logistic Regression

    Module 9: K-Nearest Neighbors

    Module 10: Support Vector Machines

    Module 11: Decision Trees

    Day 5:

    Module 12: Random Forest

    Module 13: Unsupervised Learning

    Module 14: K-means Clustering


Giriş Yap

Şifremi Unuttum

Şifremi Unuttum
