Eğitim Adı: Python İle Ağ Otomasyonu
Süre: 5 Days / 35 Hours
Tarihler: 7 Aralık 2024 - 4 Ocak 2025
Eğitmen: Erdeniz Ünvan
Eğitim Ön Koşulu: Min. CCNA sertifikasına sahip olmak/CCNA eğitimine katılmak
Course Index:
Day 1:
Part 1: Programming Language: Python
Module 1: Language Overview
Module 2: Standard Data Types
Module 3: Flow Control,
Module 4: Functions
Day 2:
Module 5: Lists and Tuples
Module 6: Dictionaries
Module 7: External Libraries
Module 8:Basic File Operations
Module 9:Exception Handling
Day 3:
Part 2: REST API With Python
Module 1: List Comprehension
Module 2: What is Model Driven Automation
Module3: What is HTTP ?
Module4: How HTTP works ?
Module5: What is Rest API
Module 6: What are API Data Formats?
Module 7: List Comprehension
Module 8: Parsing Public Colorado Population API
Module 9: Parsing News API
Module 10: Parsing NASA API
Part 3: Parsing API Data Format JSON With Python
Module 1: Parsing Capital Cities JSON With Python
Module 2: Parsing Star War JSON With Python
Module 3: Parsing Game Of Thrones JSON With Python
Day 4:
Part 4: Network Automation With Netmiko
Module 1: Introduction to Netmiko
Module 2: Introduction to TextFSM
Module 3: Configure Multiple Devices With Netmiko Via JSON
Module 4: Serial Numbers With Netmiko & TextFSM
Module 5: Excel With Netmiko & TextFSM
Module 6: Configuration Cloning with TextFSM
Module 7: Creating Custom Parser Templates With TTP
Module 8: Configuration Templates With Jinja & Netmiko
Day 5:
Module 9: Configure Multiple Network Devices With Txt file
Module 10: Configure Multiple Network Devices With Multithreading
Module 11: Multi-Vendor Device Type Detection With Netmiko & Multiprocessing
Part 5: NXAPI
Module 1: NXAPI with Sandbox
Module 2: NXAPI with Postman
Module 3: NXAPI with Python
Module 4: Converting Yaml with Jinja Template and Configure Nexus
Module 5: Configuration Management With NXAPI
Module 6: Multi-Threading With Netmiko & NXAPI
Module 7: Concurrent Futures Multithreading With Max_workers
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